Find the perfect domain Big choice. New Extensions. Low prices. Register your perfect domain name today!
Popular domains
now available
€ 15.00/yearly
Now available
€ 15.00/yearly
Now available
€ 15.00/yearly
Now available
€ 20.00/yearly
Now available
€ 20.00/yearly
Secure your online identity today. Even if you are not ready to build a website, you can reserve your name so it’s ready when you need it. Research also shows that major search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, favour domain names that are aged in the process of calculating objective search results.
Our service provides you with 1 free domain name. If you want to secure your domain name with several extensions (.nl/ .com/ .org), you can order extra domains by the button below. The cost varies by extension (see list below). When you want to change the owner’s modification the cost will be € 6,- per domain.

If you want to order 100 domains or more, you can contact us for the possibilities. We make sure you won’t pay more than necessary.
We also have affiliate opportunities. For example, your own server with DirectAdmin. Organise customers to your requirements. Every client needs domains. We register these domains for an affordable price. We also offer white label name servers and can take of your billing by our full automated system. Contact us now.